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eighth grade造句

"eighth grade"是什么意思  
  • So you stole his girlfrind in the eighth grade
  • The plan you ' ve been trying to execute since eighth grade
  • Middle of eighth grade , you just disappeared
  • Remember that time when we were ' bout eighth grade . .
    记得以前的事吗,那时我们上8年级. .
  • My brother jack is in eighth grade
  • So then in eighth grade , i started going out with my first boyfriend ,
  • For example , neither of my parents had more than an eighth grade education
  • When i was in eighth grade i used to date a senior from exeter
  • The school has about 700 students in kindergarten through eighth grade
  • During the summer between seventh and eighth grades , everything changed ? or at least it seemed like everything at the time
    在七年级和八年级之间的暑假,一切都改变了- -至少是当时看来。
  • It's difficult to see eighth grade in a sentence. 用eighth grade造句挺难的
  • Imagine a child who can ' t read in the fourth grade is a child that ' s not going to be able to read in the eighth grade
  • Students would have to declare their interest in eighth grade and take four classes in that area during their four years in high school
  • Students would have to declare their interest in eighth grade and take four classes in that area during their four years in high school
  • Intro : she is the no . 1 main character in the story . transferred to ohtori academy at eighth grade , will her rose signet lead her to her happiness or doom
  • In eighth grade , your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you pack up your stuffed animals and old baseball cards , but didn ' t laugh at you when you finished and broke out into tears
  • And if a child can ' t read in the eighth grade , it ' s likely that child ' s not going to be able to read sufficiently when they get out of high school , and therefore won ' t be able to go to college
  • The purposes of this study were to construct a model of english learning process and to certify it with data from 449 junior high school students ( eighth grades )
  • Sometimes , watching john leave for school , i ' ve remembered with a keen sting what it felt like to be in the eighth grade - - a time when it was as easy to try on different approaches to life as it was to try on a coat
    有时看着约翰上学去,我就不禁怦然心动,想起自己上8年级时的感觉? ?那时尝试不同的生活方式就如同试衣服一样简单。
  • In eighth grade , your idea of a friend was the person who helped you pack up your fluffy toys and old baseball cards so that your room would be a “ high schooler ' s ” room , but didn ' t laugh at you when you finished and broke out into tears
    八年级时,好朋友是帮你整理塞满了玩具动物和过期棒球票的房间,让它成为标准的“中学生宿舍” ,而后当你感激得流下眼泪也不会嘲笑你的人。
  • And if a child can t read in the eighth grade , it s likely that child s not going to be able to read sufficiently when they get out of high school , and therefore won t be able to go to college . it s a shame in america that that s the case
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